Kefir: What You Should Know
Kefir is a fermented drink that is loaded with probiotics. Recently, it has been growing in popularity in the United States, but has been used around the world for centuries and for many reasons.
With similar properties to yogurt, kefir is made from fermented bacteria and yeast, also known as kefir grain. These grains are typically added to milk and then stored in a warm area and allowed time to culture. Once cultured it becomes drinkable and has a pretty tart flavour. It may even be a little carbonated due to the fermentation. Kefir can also be made dairy-free, and is cultured from coconut milk, coconut water, or even simply water by adding a little sugar or fruit juice.
Kefir is packed with protein, vitamin B12, magnesium, B2, phosphorus, and calcium. It also contains up to 61 strains of bacteria and yeast, making kefir great for gut health and relieving symptoms of IBS. One specific probiotic that is found in kefir, is called lactobacillus kefiri, which actually has antibacterial properties. Kefir has been proven to lower cholesterol, improve blood sugar, and even improve bone health due to the calcium intake. It has been shown to improve the immune system and could possibly even help protect against certain cancers.
While many people drink kefir, it can also be used in salad dressing, baked, used in dips, or even in oats. There are so many ways you can use kefir enabling you to reap all of its benefits!
Is Kefir something you enjoy? Do you have any special recipes or tips? Let us know over on our Team TRAIN Facebook community by clicking here!
Article by Tara Carlton