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Janet Layug’s Do Anywhere, Anytime Workout

Janet Layug


Janet Layug’s Do Anywhere, Anytime Workout

The demands of being a mom, wife and pro athlete shouldn’t be mutually exclusive. We caught up with Janet Layug to ask how she finds balance.

“We’re a busy family,” she smiles. “My husband plays softball and my daughter plays tennis. To make sure we still spend time together, I’ll do a workout any place there’s a patch of grass, which is often next to the ball game.”

Follow her plan below to improve your agility, cull calories and still hang with those who are most important to you. You can have it all.


First, stretch all your muscles for roughly five minutes or do a light jog for about half a mile to get some blood flowing through your body.


Repeat all these exercises and then take a 1-2 minute rest.


1. Climbers (45-60 secs)


Works: Abs, quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, triceps.

A) Facing the ground, support your body with the balls of your feet and put your hands shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms straight, not locked.

B) Lift your glutes, then alternate bringing your right knee to your right elbow and left knee to your left elbow.


2. Burpees (60 secs)

Works: Core, shoulders, grip.

A) Begin in a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you.

B) Kick your feet behind you so that you are in a press-up position. Return your feet to the squat then leap up as high as you can, throwing your arms above your head.


3. Scissor kicks (60 secs)

Works: Core.

A) Lie on your back, arms at your sides, palms down, heels are six inches o the ground.

B) Lift your left leg up to 45 degrees while your right leg is lowered until the heel is just o the ground. Alternate by raising your right leg up and lowering your left.


4. Ski skater lunges (60 secs)

Works: Chest, shoulders, core.

A) Explode up off the right leg and jump to land on your left.

B) As you land on that left leg, sink into a slight squat, pushing your butt back so that you load your glute to help you jump back laterally to the right. Use your arms to propel you further.


5. Lunges (20 yards)

Works: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs arms.

A) Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

B) Take a giant step forward with your left foot and bend your left knee until your left thigh is parallel to the floor and your knee forms is at 90 degrees. Your back should remain straight throughout the exercise.


6. Lateral lunges (40 yards)

Works: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs.

A) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold your hands at chin height with your elbows tucked.

B) Step to the side with your right leg, bend the left knee all the way, keeping your right knee straight. Push back to the start and repeat on your other leg.


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