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Monica Gossmeyer Took Action And Made A Change


Monica Gossmeyer Took Action And Made A Change

Monica Gossmeyer took action and the results were incredible.


The old me

I was a single mother with two children and full-time middle school math teacher. I was also going back to school to earn my Master’s Degree in the evenings and on Saturdays.  Life was always very busy and hectic.


Quality of life

One day, it just hit me. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. If I was on three medications at 37 years old, how many would I be on at 67 years old? Am I even going to make it to 67? I have two children. Will I be able to see them graduate from high school?


Facing fear

Thinking of my health as a life or death situation was what kept me determined. I knew that I if I didn’t change my lifestyle and lose some weight, I would probably not be there for some important moments in my children’s lives. As I starting losing weight and seeing my body transform, I became eager to lose even more.


Time, distance and perseverance

I started to exercise by taking the dog for a walk and gradually increased the time and distance of our walks. Soon we were walking for 45 minutes. Next came the gym. I started with three days a week and gradually increased the
number of days.


New challenges

I lost weight and then I hit a plateau so I decided to seek out other types of gyms. It was fun to sample things such as zumba, yoga, kickboxing, and other group exercise classes. I found other activities that I liked, too, such as hiking and bike riding.


Preparation > deprivation

Planning and meal prep helped me stick to my meal plan. Sundays were typically food prep days where I portioned my meals for the week while I gave myself cheat meals each week to help me not feel deprived.


Be reasonable & realistic

I gained weight over 10-15 years. Would it have been great to lose 30 pounds in one month? Yes! But that is not realistic.


Find friends to with similar goals

Most of my closest friends I have met at the gym. We help keep each motivated and accountable. We enjoy working out together, but we also have fun outside of the gym, too.


Monica’s meal plan


Morning meals

Meal 1 (pre workout):  3 egg whites, 1/3 cup oats, 1/4 cup almonds.

Meal 2 (post workout): 3 egg whites, berries.


Afternoon meals

Meal 3: 1-cup veggies and 2 egg whites or a rice cake with almond butter.

Meal 4: 1-cup veggies, 4oz chicken breast or ground turkey, 1/3 brown rice or jasmine rice, 1 cup green beans.


Evening meals

Meal 5: 1 scoop MHP Super Premium Whey Protein+

Meal 6: 1 cup veggies, 4oz chicken or 4oz white fish, 1 cup green beans or broccoli.


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