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Creating A Fighters Mindset To Achieve Your Fitness Goals


Creating A Fighters Mindset To Achieve Your Fitness Goals

You’re discouraged. You’ve cycled through the same patterns regarding your health, fitness, and nutritional goals for years- maybe even decades. At this point, you’re physically, emotionally, mentally, and soulfully drained.

This is a pivoting point. You have two choices.

Option 1. Start the cycle over again just to find yourself in the same spot a few months later.

Option 2. Take a step back, really sit with the reality of your circumstances. Conduct a personal evaluation of your lifestyle, thought patterns, and the choices that are continually leading you in this cycle.

This process might not be comfortable to sort through, but doing it is how change happens.

This is a pivoting point, remember?

Now is the time to understand how you got to where you are now so that you can turn and face where you want to go.

Change is not comfortable and neither is fighting. Picking yourself up and trying again is going to take resiliency. What kind of person has a tremendous amount of resiliency? A fighter does.

Being a fighter boils down to being resilient in mind, body and spirit.The physical act of being resilient means: the ability to recover from setbacks, adapt well to change, and keep going in the face of adversity.

Most people will never step into the cage and actually fight; but that’s not the goal for most people.

What most people want to achieve are the attributes of a mature fighter- the attributes to keep fighting their own, personal fights in life.

Creating the mindset of a fighter is a skill that can and must be developed when creating change for yourself and accomplishing your goals.

It’s a mindset that is developed through wins, losses and all the lessons in between that teach you to keep fighting for what you really want.

In this space where you want to accomplish health, fitness and nutritional goals and it’s absolutely worth fighting for.

Achieving long term health and fitness goals means that you’re in it for a lifetime- not three, five minute rounds. It will require mental toughness, resiliency and shifting your approach as the years go. You can do this.

Having a fighter’s mindset helps you stay determined and confident- especially when there’s a setback or obstacle in your way.

Having a fighters mindset doesn’t always mean going aggressively towards the opponent and winning either. Oftentimes it’s mentally staying in the fight by getting gritty, having better defense, taking hits, and firing back. Tough moments in the middle call for immense focus and determination. Later rounds could be more focused on your “why” and having more heart to finish the fight; but overall it’s the resilience and determination to keep going that create a great fighter both inside and outside of the cage.

Here’s how to start creating a fighters mindset:
1. Step into the challenge
2. Relax into the awareness that it’s not going to be easy. You’re developing and creating a new mindset to achieve the goal, which will take practice
3. Start again; but this time with more experience and knowledge of your previous obstacles
4. Stay resilient. It’s going to take grit, determination and adapting to keep going

Achieving and maintaining fitness, health and nutrition goals is a lifelong battle. Keep moving towards your goals. Fighting for yourself is always worth it.

See my previous article on self awareness to help cultivate these habits here.

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Camee Adams

Camee Adams is a mother of two daughters, WMMA fighter and comprehensive wellness coach. She powers positive transformations through various training methods, workshops, retreats and speaking. She is a mental health advocate and a Safe Talk certified teacher through the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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