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How To Meal Prep The Right Way


How To Meal Prep The Right Way

While training for a half Ironman I have become more familiar with how my body reacts but I’ve done something I’ve never done before: get specific. Drinking two liters of water a day; eating 5-6 small, high protein meals a day; finally, getting a good night’s sleep is putting my pajamas on 8:30pm so I can be in bed by 9:30pm. Anything less and my workouts suffer.

The most challenging aspect has been putting that formula into practice… Every. Single. Day. Meal prep in itself is a daily circus of Tupperware washing. The logistics behind this type of overanalyzed preparation is maddening and time consuming, but I recommend it.

This feeling extends beyond the physical. You’ll also notice that it helps you mentally and spiritually. Training for anything is not just about completing a tough workout; it’s that and having the mental stamina to keep going strong. When I have failed it’s been when I have not taken the time to prepare myself for success.


– RELATED: Hit Your Goals With Perfect Prepping


Here are my top tips:

1. Make time in the weekend to do a big food shop and get your meals ready. If Monday and Tuesday meals are covered, you are more likely to eat healthy the rest of the week.

2. Buy a big water bottle. You will be more likely to drink your quota.

3. Create a cozy bedtime ritual. Like taking bubble baths? Love to read? Whatever the preference, make your space more inviting and it will attract you to it earlier.

Sibylle Gorla

Long term gym and fitness fanatic

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