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How To Fake Your Way Into Feeling Motivated


How To Fake Your Way Into Feeling Motivated

That feel-good factor you get when your training is complete. Amazing, isn’t it? But, there’s no denying that starting a session when you’re lacking motivation, or pushing through when every sinew is screaming “stop,” is one of the hardest things to overcome.

Use the following tricks to ensure those bad days are numbered.


Dress the part

This doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym. Just put your training gear on and see how you feel. Once you’ve changed clothes, you’ll probably find you’ve changed mind-set. New kit helps enormously. Who doesn’t want to go bounding down the street when you’ve got some shiny new stuff to try out? Don’t be afraid to treat yourself once in a while.


Warm up

You’ve got yourself out the door, which is often the biggest barrier. Within the first minute or two you’ll usually feel invigorated and ready for more. A good warm up will take 10-15 minutes. If you still feel groggy after this time, rest really is best and it’s the time to cut the session. The best athletes become adept at listening to their bodies: recognizing when they really are overtired as opposed to just not up for it. Be honest with yourself.



If your heart’s not really in it, take the pressure off. Bargain with yourself. Get out there, but only do something light. This is far better than an all-or-nothing approach. Once you get going, you might find a new lease of life, but if not, at least you’ll have accomplished something. Not every session has to be excruciating. There are no “miracle” workouts. For pro athletes, most sessions are very manageable. What sets us apart is consistency. Get out there, do something constructive regularly and you’ll reap the benefits.



Look an hour ahead. How good will you feel? What will you achieve in that time if you don’t train? Focus on the goal. Why are you doing this? Where do you want to be?


Keep it real

Try and stay in the moment. When you’re working hard, one minute can feel like forever, but it will pass. It’s only temporary, and afterwards, if you know you applied yourself when it mattered, you’ll feel a huge sense of satisfaction.



There’s nothing wrong with this. If you work out: you get a treat. Very effective.


Positive talk

Psychology is a huge factor in determining athletic performance. Use a couple of motivational mantras that hit the spot for you. I like: “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


Power to the people

Train with a friend. Use a personal trainer or coach. If you have the right team in place, motivation doesn’t even come into it: it’s just a given you’ll go.


Mix it up

Of course you’ll get bored doing the same thing. Your body will adapt too, then plateau. There’s nothing like a change of scenery or activity to reboot and re-inspire.

Unless you have specific goals that can only be achieved indoors, get outside. The places you can see on foot and by bike make exercise an absolute pleasure. Use getting fit as an adventure – there’s a whole world out there. I have a photo album entitled “The places I wouldn’t see if I didn’t run.” There are so many times I’ve stopped in my tracks to snap a stunning scene on my iPhone. That’s inspiration enough.


Find fitness advice and more in every issue of TRAIN for HER magazine. 

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